Measurement of region of interest for orthodontics using cone beam computed tomography
- LI Deshui, LIU Panpan, SHI Xiaoxin, GUO Jing
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Objective To investigate the region of interest (ROI) for orthodontics, including the dimension of anterior alveolar bone, labio-lingual position (LLP) of central incisors relative to the bone, and soft tissue (ST) between different horizontal face types, genders and age. Methods A total of 60 subjects of Han nationality aged 12 to 50 years were divided into different groups according to horizontal face type, gender and age. According to ANB: skeletal class Ⅰ(n=23, 38.3%, 1° < ANB≤5°), skeletal class Ⅱ(n=18, 30%, ANB>5°), skeletal class Ⅲ(n=19, 31.7%, ANB≤1°). According to gender, the subjects included 41 female (68.3%) and 19 male (31.7%). According to age, the subjects were divided into adolescent group (n=22, 36.7%, 12 to 19 years old), young group (n=20, 33.3%, 20 to 29 years old), and middle age group (n=18, 30%, 30 to 50 years old). The ROI of orthodontics was measured on sagittal sections using cone-beam CT (CBCT). For statistical evaluation, one-way ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests were performed. Results ① Class II group had higher anterior alveolar bone and overeruption of the incisors. ② The ST and the dimension of anterior jaw of males predominated over those of females. ③ The change of the height, LLP and ST was significant while the width and cortical bone thickness (CBT) basically remained stable with age. Conclusion There are some regular changes of ROI among different horizontal face types, genders and age, which should be considered in orthodontic treatment strategies.