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Clinical observation of integrated traditional and western medicine in treatment of senile vaginitis

DAI Hong, WANG Hong-li   

  1. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Nanjing Pukou Hospital of TCM, Nanjing 211800, China
  • Received:2014-11-30 Published:2014-12-30

Abstract: Objective To observe the clinical effects of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine treatment for senile vaginitis. Methods A total of 84 patients with senile vaginitis were given peroral treatment and external cleaning of Chinese traditional medicine, and external treatment of 0.5 g premarin ointment and endovaginal administration of metronidazole suppositories were given to those patients without liver dysfunction. Results Out of 84 patients, fully recovery in 68 cases, partial recovery in 13 cases recovered and no efficacy in 3 cases. Conclusion The combination of Chinese and western medicine treatment is effective in controlling symptoms and consolidating curative effect in the treatment of senile vaginitis.

Key words: Aging, Senile vaginitis, Intergraded traditional Chinese and western medicine, Estrogen

CLC Number: 

  • R711.31
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