Journal of Shandong University (Health Sciences) ›› 2024, Vol. 62 ›› Issue (7): 91-97.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1671-7554.0.2024.0279

• 公共卫生与预防医学 • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Incidence and influencing factors of influenza-like illness among college students in Jinan during the influenza peak period in November 2023

LIU Feng1,2, MA Caixia2, LI Chunyan2, CHENG Haiying3, JIN Leyu4, LIU Zhong2, LI Xuewen1   

  1. 1. School of Public Health, Cheeloo College of Medicine, Shandong University, Jinan 250012, Shandong, China;
    2. Health Emergency Office, Jinan Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Jinan 250021, Shandong, China;
    3. Jinan Changqing District Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Jinan 250300, Shandong, China;
    4. Jinan Zhangqiu District Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Jinan 250200, Shandong, China
  • Published:2024-09-20

Abstract: Objective To investigate the incidence and influencing factors of influenza-like illness(ILI)among college students in Jinan during the influenza peak period in November 2023, so as to provide targeted policy recommendations for the subsequent prevention and control of influenza in schools. Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted among the students in 7 medical and non-medical colleges randomly selected from the main urban area and surrounding counties of Jinan by multi-stage sampling and objective sampling. Influencing factors of influenza were analyzed by univariate analysis and multiple Logistic regression analysis. Results A total of 2,306 college students were included in the analysis, and the incidence of ILI was 27.1%. Binary Logistic regression analysis results showed that medical major, diet regularity and influenza vaccine injection were the protective factors for influenza, and the OR(95%CI) were 0.38(0.29-0.50), 0.58(0.45-0.76)and 0.73(0.59-0.89), respectively. The time of going to sleep(22:00-22:59 vs.before 21:59, 23:00-23:59 vs. before 21:59, after 24:00 vs. before 21:59)and monthly frequency of insomnia(1-3 vs. never, 4-6 vs. never, ≥ 7 vs. never)were risk factors for influenza, and the OR(95%CI) were 1.65(1.12-2.45), 2.16(1.45-3.23), 2.05(1.27-3.31), 1.88(1.41-2.50), 2.10(1.53-2.89), and 2.61(1.72-3.94), respectively. Conclusion During the peak period of influenza in November 2023, the epidemic intensity of influenza among college students in Jinan was relatively high, especially the incidence of ILI in non-medical colleges was more serious than that in medical colleges. Therefore, non-medical colleges need to strengthen the propaganda and education work on the prevention and control of common diseases such as influenza, and guide college students to cultivate good eating and rest habits.

Key words: College students, Influenza-like illness, Influencing factors, Prevention and control recommendations, Cross-section study

CLC Number: 

  • R183.3
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