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山东大学学报(医学版) ›› 2014, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (S1): 49-50.

• 临床医学 • 上一篇    下一篇


李剑萍, 缪宇锋, 陈平, 陈苏蓉, 刘红旗   

  1. 盐城市第一人民医院肿瘤内科, 江苏 盐城 224005
  • 收稿日期:2014-11-30 发布日期:2014-12-30

Use of raltitrexed combined with oxaliplatin or irinotecan as second-line chemotherapy for advanced colorectal cancer

LI Jian-ping, MIAO Yu-feng, CHEN Ping, CHEN Su-rong, LIU Hongqi   

  1. Department of Medical Oncology, Yancheng City No.1 People's Hospital, Yancheng 224005, Jiangsu, China
  • Received:2014-11-30 Published:2014-12-30

摘要: 目的 观察雷替曲塞联合奥沙利铂或伊立替康二线治疗晚期结直肠癌的疗效及安全性。方法 25例结直肠癌患者,17 例给予雷替曲塞 3 mg/m2 静脉滴注15 min,奥沙利铂 130 mg/ m2静脉滴注 2 h;8 例给予雷替曲塞 2.6 mg/ m2 静脉滴注 15 min,伊立替康 300 mg/m2 静脉滴注90 min。均3周为1个治疗周期。观察患者近期疗效,不良反应和生存状况。结果 总有效率为24 %(6/25),疾病控制率为68 %(17/25);中位无疾病进展时间5.3 个月;最常见的不良反应主要为白细胞减少(64%)、中性粒细胞减少(52%)、乏力(56%)、食欲减退(48%)和肝功能异常(56%),多为Ⅰ~Ⅱ级。结论 雷替曲塞联合奥沙利铂或伊立替康在晚期结直肠癌的二线化疗中疗效确切,耐受性好,值得临床借鉴。

关键词: 二线化疗, 职业, 伊立替康, 基础教学, 安全教育, 雷替曲塞, 高职护理学, 奥沙利铂, 结直肠癌

Abstract: Objective To observer the clinical effects of raltitrexed combined with oxaliplatin or irinotecan as second-line chemotherapy for advanced colorectal cancer. Methods Out of twenty five patients enrolled, seventeen patients received raltitrexed 3 mg/m2 as a 15-min infusion, followed by oxaliplatin 130 mg/m2 as a 2-hour infusion, and nine patients received raltitrexed 2.6 mg/m2 as a 15-min infusion, followed by irinotecan 300 mg/m2 as a 90-min infusion. Results The overall response rate of raltitrexed combined with oxaliplatin or irinotecan was 24%(6/25), and disease control rate was 68%(17/25). The median time of progression-free survival was 5.3 months. The most common adverse reactions were leucopenia/neutropenia decline, fatigue, appetite decrease and hepatic disorders, with incidence rates of 64%, 52%, 56%, 48%, and 56%, respectively, which mainly be graded Ⅰ to Ⅱ. Conclusion Raltitrexed combined with oxaliplatin or irinotecan as second-line chemotherapy has a high efficacy with acceptable tolerability, therefore being worth recommending for advanced colorectal cancer.

Key words: second-line chemotherapy, raltitrexed, oxaliplatin, irinotecan, colorectal cancer


  • R735.3
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