Journal of Shandong University (Health Sciences) ›› 2024, Vol. 62 ›› Issue (6): 108-115.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1671-7554.0.2024.0070

• Public Health & Management Sciences • Previous Articles    

Influencing factors on grandparenting training demands of urban middle-aged and older adults based on Anderson model

SONG Dongyu, LYU Jingran, LI Yuli, LIU Yuzhou   

  1. School of Nursing and Rehabilitation, Cheeloo College of Medicine, Shandong University, Jinan 250012, Shandong, China
  • Published:2024-07-15

Abstract: Objective To explore the status and influencing factors of grandparenting training demands among urban middle-aged and older adults. Methods Participants were recruited from community in Jinan, Shandong Province, China, using convenience sampling. Based on the Anderson model, χ2 test and binary Logistic regression analysis were used to explore the effects of various factors on the grandparenting training demands among middle-aged and older adults. Results Seventy point seven percent of the participants had demands for training in grandparenting, in which a propensity factor of previous residence in town(OR=2.403, 95%CI: 1.016-5.682), an enabling factor of previous frequent availability of grandparenting resources in the community(OR=2.112, 95%CI: 1.215-3.671), and demand factors of occasional conflict with children due to grandparenting(OR=6.250, 95%CI: 1.543-17.866), and without depressive symptoms(OR=0.557, 95%CI: 0.319-0.972)were domimnt. Conclusion Propensity factors, enabling factors and demand factors all have different degrees of influence on the demands of grandparenting training for the middle-aged and older adults. It is of great social value and significance to actively carry out grandparenting training. In addition to paying attention to the middle-aged and older adults with grandparenting training demands, society should also pay attention to the mental health status of those without grandparenting training demands.

Key words: Grandparenting, Anderson model, Middle-aged and older adults, Training needs

CLC Number: 

  • R195
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