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山东大学学报 (医学版) ›› 2020, Vol. 58 ›› Issue (5): 115-120.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1671-7554.0.2019.1464

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  1. 山东大学公共卫生学院, 山东 济南 250012
  • 发布日期:2022-09-27
  • 通讯作者: 王志萍. E-mail:zhipingw@sdu.edu.cn*共同第一作者.
  • 基金资助:

Folic acid supplementation compliance and influencing factors before pregnancy

YIN Zhouyi*, ZHANG Fengmei*, WANG Mengyuan, LIU Xiyao, CHI Yanna, GAO Lijie, WANG Zhiping   

  1. School of Public Health, Shandong University, Jinan 250012, Shandong, China
  • Published:2022-09-27

摘要: 目的 了解围孕期增补叶酸政策实施多年后,育龄妇女叶酸增补依从性情况,探索叶酸增补影响因素,为重点人群制定增补叶酸措施提供依据。 方法 以山东省某县为研究现场,采用基于人群的1∶1匹配病例对照研究方法,对研究期间出生缺陷患儿及与其匹配正常儿的母亲进行问卷调查,分别作为病例组和对照组;采用配对t/χ2检验及多因素条件Logistic回归分析叶酸增补依从性,采用多因素Logistic回归分析方法探索孕前叶酸增补依从性影响因素。 结果 研究期间,研究现场共诊断263例出生缺陷患儿,最终入组180例病例组及180例对照组。(1)病例组与对照组围孕期的叶酸增补比例分别为81.67%和88.33%(P=0.111)、规律增补比例分别为10.56%和15.00%(P=0.229),孕前3个月的叶酸增补比例分别为33.33%和40.00%(P=0.213)、增补天数分别为(19.63±32.05)和(26.32±36.33)d(P=0.053);(2)出生缺陷发生风险随孕前3个月叶酸增补天数增多而下降(OR=0.933,95%CI:0.872~0.999,P=0.046);(3)孕前增补叶酸的主要影响因素为意外怀孕(OR=2.825,95%CI:1.303~6.127,P=0.009)以及本次妊娠为首次妊娠(OR=2.657,95%CI:1.171~6.029,P=0.019)。 结论 育龄妇女围孕期叶酸增补比例相对较高,但孕前叶酸增补依从性较差。可针对首次妊娠妇女加强叶酸作用的普及教育;广泛倡导充分备孕以避免意外怀孕,从而提高孕前叶酸增补依从性。

关键词: 叶酸, 孕前, 出生缺陷, 依从性, 影响因素

Abstract: Objective To examine the folic acid supplementation compliance of women of childbearing age after the policy of supplementing folic acid in the periconceptional period has been implemented for many years, to explore the factors affecting folic acid supplementation, and to provide scientific evidence for determining the specific measures for supplementing folic acid in key populations. Methods A county-based 1∶1 matched case-control study was conducted in a county in Shandong Province. Questionnaire survey was conducted between mothers of children with or without birth defects during the study period, who were defined as case group and control group, respectively. Paired t test, χ2 test and conditional multivariate Logistic regression analysis were used to examine folic acid supplementation compliance. Unconditional multivariate Logistic regression analysis was used to explore the factors affecting pre-pregnancy folic acid supplementation compliance. Results A total of 263 cases of birth defects were diagnosed at the study site, and 180 cases were enrolled in case group and 180 cases were enrolled in control group. (1)In the periconceptional period, the folic acid intake proportions of case group and control group were 81.67% and 88.33%(P=0.111), and the regular intake proportions were 10.56% and 15.00%(P=0.229). In the last three months before pregnancy, the folic acid intake proportions were 33.33% and 40.00%(P=0.213), and the days of intake were(19.63±32.05)and(26.32±36.33)d(P=0.053). (2)The risk of birth defects decreased with the increase of folic acid supplementation days in the last three months before pregnancy(OR=0.933, 95%CI: 0.872-0.999, P=0.046). (3)The main influencing factors for pre-pregnancy folic acid administration were unintended pregnancy(OR=2.825, 95%CI: 1.303-6.127, P=0.009)and the first pregnancy(OR=2.657, 95%CI: 1.171-6.029, P=0.019). Conclusion Women of childbearing age have a relatively high proportion of folic acid supplementation in the periconceptional period but poor compliance with folic acid before pregnancy. In order to improve the pre-pregnancy folic acid utilization, the universal education of folic acid action for first pregnant woman should be strengthened. The fully prepared pregnancy can be actively advocated to avoid unintended pregnancy and improve compliance with folic acid before pregnancy.

Key words: Folic acid, Pre-pregnancy, Birth defects, Compliance, Influencing factors


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