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山东大学学报(医学版) ›› 2011, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (11): 57-.

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  1. 1.济宁医学院附属医院CT室, 山东 济宁 272029;2.济宁市第一人民医院CT室, 山东 济宁 272000
  • 收稿日期:2011-07-13 出版日期:2011-11-10 发布日期:2011-11-10
  • 通讯作者: 王林省(1978- ),男,主治医师,主要从事头颈部影像学诊断与介入治疗研究。 E-mail:jywanglinsheng@163.com
  • 作者简介:陈月芹(1972- ),女,主治医师,主要从事影像学诊断工作。

CT characteristics of Skull Chleteatoma

CHEN Yue-qin1, WANG Lin-sheng1, ZHANG Li-hong2, JIA Cun-wei1,  SUN Zhan-guo1,
WANG Jie-huan1, CAO Guan-jie1, WANG Yu-hong1, KONG Wei- hui1   

  1. 1. Department of CT, The Affiliated Hospital of Jining Medical College, Jining 272029, Shangdong, China;
    2. Department of CT , The First People′s Hospital of Jining City, Jining 272013, Shangdong, China
  • Received:2011-07-13 Online:2011-11-10 Published:2011-11-10


目的   探讨颅骨胆脂瘤的CT表现,以提高其诊断正确率。方法   回顾性分析15例经手术病理证实的颅骨胆脂瘤的CT表现。结果   病变均为单发,14例起源于板障,1例发生于颅缝间。CT平扫均表现为颅骨局限性膨胀性骨质破坏,边缘可见硬化边,7例突破颅骨内外板,边缘呈火山口样改变。11例密度不均匀,其中6例病灶内存在斑点状钙化,1例以脂肪密度为主,2例以水样密度为主,2例以等密度为主;4例病变密度均匀。2例行增强扫描,均表现为轻度强化。多平面重组(MPR)、VR图像可立体直观显示骨质破坏的形态及程度。结论   颅骨胆脂瘤的CT表现具有特征性,结合后处理技术可提高诊断正确率。

关键词: 颅骨;胆脂瘤;体层摄影术,X线计算机


Objective   To investigate the CT characteristics of skull chlesteatoma, and explore its diagnostic accuracy. Methods   CT characteristics of 15 skull chlesteatomas confirmed by surgery and pathology were retrospectively analyzed. CT plain scan were performed in all the patients, while extra enhanced CT scan was done in 2 cases. Results   On the CT images, all cases were solitary. 14 cases originated from intradiploe, and one case  from skull suture. Extensive destruction of the skull with hard margin was found in 15 patients. 7 cases presented crater-form deossificatio. 11 cases demonstrated  inhomogeneous density in which 6 cases showed calcification. The fat-like density was noticed mainly in one case, the water-like density mainly in 2 cases, the iso-density mainly in 2 cases, and homogeneous density in 4 cases. MPR and VR images could display the shape and scope of destruction. 2 cases showed mild enhancement on contrast CT. Conclusion   CT scanning of skull chlesteatomas has some features, CT combining with post-processing techniques are very effective in the diagnosis of skull chlesteatomas.


  • R816.1
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