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山东大学学报(医学版) ›› 2010, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (10): 39-.

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许伟华1, Tobias A Beyer2, 杨法林3,王洪波1   

  1. 1.山东大学第二医院消化内科, 济南 250033;   2.瑞士ETH 大学细胞生物学院, 苏黎世  CH-8093;
    3.山东大学齐鲁医院检验科, 济南 250012
  • 收稿日期:2010-06-02 出版日期:2010-10-16 发布日期:2010-10-16
  • 作者简介:许伟华(1967- ),女,博士,副主任医师,主要从事慢性肝病研究。 E-mail:xu30002001@yahoo.com.cn

Disturbance of cell signal pathways and genes in Nrf2 kockout mice after common bile duct ligation 

XU Wei-hua1, Tobias A Beyer2, YANG Fa-lin3, WANG Hong-bo1   

  1. 1. Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, The Second Hospital of Shandong University, Jinan 250033, China;
    2. Institute of Cell Biology, ETH Zurich,  Zurich CH8093, Switzerland;
    3. Central Laboratory, Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, Jinan 250012, China
  • Received:2010-06-02 Online:2010-10-16 Published:2010-10-16


目的    研究核因子相关因子2(Nrf2)在胆汁淤积中的作用。方法    野生鼠(WT)和Nrf2基因敲除小鼠(KO)给予胆总管结扎手术,应用蛋白杂交技术观察丝裂原活化蛋白激酶(MAPK)信号传导途径的变化;应用RNA酶保护测定(RPA)技术测定基因变化。结果    在BDL组血清丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)显著升高;纤维粘连蛋白的表达在KO鼠明显增多;p-JNK、p-stat3、p-AKT、p-p38在WT鼠的BDL组的活化强度较大。Nrf2的靶基因NQO1,谷胱甘肽S转移酶(GST)的同工酶(GST-Ya,GST-pa)在WT鼠的BDL组明显上调,而在KO鼠中则被抑制。TGF-β1、TIMP-1、胶原蛋白1在KO鼠的BDL组上调幅度较大。结论    在胆总管结扎后胆汁淤积所致肝损伤中,Nrf2对MAPK信号传导和炎症、纤维化过程均有影响,部分通过上调抗氧化基因的表达起到细胞保护作用。

关键词: 胆汁淤积;核因子相关因子-2; 小鼠; 肝损伤


Objective    To study effects of nuclear factor–E2-related factor2(Nrf2) on cholestasis in mice after common bile duct ligation(BDL). Methods    Wild type(WT) and Nrf2 knockout (KO) mice underwent BDL. Liver function, histological morphology, mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signals and some mRNAs were studied. Results    After BDL, levels of serum total bilirubin(TBIL) and alanine aminotransferase(ALT) were significantly increased compared with the sham(no BDL) group: the level of ALT was higher in KO mice than in WT mice, while TBIL was the reverse. Fibronectine(FN) was more expressed in KO mice than in WT mice. Western blot showed phosphorylations of cJun N-terminal kinases(JNK), activator of transcription 3(stat3), protein kinase B(PKB/AKT) and p38 after BDL were stronger in WT mice, while phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase(ERK) was stronger in KO mice. RNAase protection assay(RPA) showed that mRNA levels of some Nrf2 target genes were up-regulated after BDL. Inductions of NAD(P)H quinine oxidoreductase 1(NQO1), glutathione S-transferase (GST)Ya and GST-pa expressions were attenuated in KO mice. Expressions of transforming growth factorβ1(TGF-β1), tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases-1(TIMP-1) and collagen1 were up-regulated after BDL, and more greatly in KO mice. Conclusion     Nrf2 has an effect on MAPK signals, inflammation and fibrosis in liver injury during cholestasis, partly via the upregulation of anti-oxidation genes for cell protection.

Key words: Cholestasis; Nuclear factor–E2-related factor2; Mice; Liver injury


  • R575.1
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[2] 邵洛林,许伟华,周成军,王洪波,郭建强. Nrf2在小鼠非酒精性脂肪性肝病发病机制中的作用[J]. 山东大学学报(医学版), 2010, 48(3): 53-56.
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