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山东大学学报(医学版) ›› 2010, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (11): 106-.

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  1. 山东大学第二医院肛肠外科, 济南 250033
  • 收稿日期:2010-05-31 出版日期:2010-11-16 发布日期:2010-11-16
  • 作者简介:吕艳锋(1977- ),男,硕士,主治医师,主要从事结直肠肛门部疾病的基础与临床研究。

Clinical application of three-dimensional transrectal  ultrasonography to  the diagnosis of perianal infections

 L v Yan-feng, WANG Jian-xin,  LI Tao, DING Ke,  BEI Shao-sheng,  YU Hua-long   

  1. Department of Anoproctology, The Second Hospital of Shandong University, Jinan 250033, China
  • Received:2010-05-31 Online:2010-11-16 Published:2010-11-16


目的    探讨三维直肠腔内超声在定位肛周感染性疾病中内口、瘘管走形、脓腔位置、隐匿灶的价值。方法    应用三维直肠腔内超声检查175例患者,其中肛瘘127例,肛周脓肿48例,根据其声像图特征进行内口定位、瘘管走行追踪及检测脓腔位置、隐匿灶。结果    定位内口151例,准确率达86.3%(151/175);定位瘘管一条者90例,瘘管两条者37例;检测到55个脓肿病灶,其中皮下脓肿9例,黏膜下脓肿3例,黏膜皮下脓肿4例;低位肌间脓肿16例,高位肌间脓肿11例,坐骨直肠间隙脓肿3例,盆腔间隙脓肿2例。均经手术证实。结论    应用三维直肠腔内超声检查肛周感染性疾病,能够准确定位内口、显示瘘管走行,有效检测脓腔位置及隐匿灶,能为临床治疗方法的选择提供必要的诊断依据。

关键词: 三维直肠腔内超声;肛瘘;肛周脓肿;内口


Objective    To evaluate the role of three-dimension transrectal ultrasonography in locating the internal opening,  trend of fistulas, pus-filled cavity and occult focus in diagnosing perianal infections.  Methods   127 cases of anal fistula and 48 cases of perianal abscess were examined by three-dimensional endoluminal ultrasonography.  According to the characters of the sonogram and echogram, it located the internal opening, traced the trend of fistulas, and detected the pusfilled cavity′s location and the occult focus. Results    In 151 cases the internal opening was located with an accuracy rate of 86.3%(151/175); in 90 cases one fistula was located, and in 37 cases two fistulas were located. 55 cases of abscess were examined, including 9 cases of sub-cutaneous abscess, 3 cases of sub-mucosal abscess, 4 cases of mucosa subcutaneous abscess, 16 cases of low intramuscular abscess, 11 cases of high intramuscular abscess, 3 cases of ischial rectal space abscess, and 2 cases of pelvic space abscess. All  the above were confirmed by surgery. Conclusion    Three-dimensional endoluminal ultrasonography in diagnosing perianal infections can accurately locate the internal opening, display the trend of fistulas, and effectually detect the pus-filled cavity′s location and the occult focus. And it can provide essential diagnostic criteria for choosing the clinical therapy method.

Key words: Three-dimensional transrectal ultrasonography; Anal fistula; Perianal abscess; Internal opening


  • R657.1
[1] 吕艳锋 丁克 王建新 禹化龙 贝绍生. 慢性肛瘘癌变诊疗分析[J]. 山东大学学报(医学版), 2209, 47(6): 55-57.
[2] 吕艳锋 丁克 王建新 禹化龙 贝绍生. 慢性肛瘘癌变诊疗分析[J]. 山东大学学报(医学版), 2009, 47(6): 55-57.
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