Journal of Shandong University (Health Sciences) ›› 2019, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (10): 60-66.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1671-7554.0.2019.771

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Common ethical issues on assisted reproductive technology and their management

TAN Jichun, DONG Meng, LI Pingping   

  1. Reproductive Medicine Center, Shengjing Hospital of China Medical University;
    Key laboratory of Reproductive Dysfunction Diseases and Fertility Remodeling, Shenyang 110022, Liaoning, China
  • Published:2022-09-27

Abstract: The widespread use of assisted reproductive technology(ART)has resulted in an increasing number of ethical issues. As ART involves eggs, sperm and embryos, more attention should be paid to life ethics and legal behaviors. This article discusses common ethical issues in ART, including sperm donation, egg donation, disposal of frozen embryos in the case of divorce or death of a married couple, advanced age, gestational surrogacy, ethical conflict of multiple pregnancy and fetal reduction. From perspectives of legal guarantee, standardized management, ethical supervision and industry self-discipline, we seek to deal with these issues, in order to promote the healthy and orderly development of ART in China, and make ART research and application benefit patients livelihood.

Key words: Assisted reproductive technology, Ethics, Management

CLC Number: 

  • R711
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