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山东大学学报 (医学版) ›› 2021, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (1): 108-114.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1671-7554.0.2020.0985

• 公共卫生与管理学 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 潍坊医学院公共卫生学院, 山东 潍坊 261053
  • 发布日期:2021-01-09
  • 通讯作者: 王素珍. E-mail:wangsz@wfmc.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Analysis on the health status and influencing factors of poor people in Sanchunji County of Dong ming

WANG Xiaoxuan, ZHU Gaopei, SUN Na, FENG Jianing, XIAO Yufei, SHI Fuyan, WANG Suzhen   

  1. School of Public Health, Weifang Medical University, Weifang 261053, Shandong, China
  • Published:2021-01-09

摘要: 目的 了解东明县三春集镇贫困人群健康状况分布特征及影响因素,探讨健康贫困人群和患病贫困人群的健康状况及潜在风险因素,为促进贫困地区人群的健康提供科学依据。 方法 采用多分类无序Logistic回归分析贫困人群的健康状况及影响因素。 结果 在接受调查的三春集镇2 673名贫困人群中,健康者1 723名(64.5%);患有不同类型疾病者950名(35.5%)。多分类无序Logistic回归模型结果显示,与健康人群相比,慢性病患者具有年龄分布在26~35岁(OR=4.891)、35~45岁(OR=4.839)、46~55岁(OR=8.659),家庭成员由1~4人组成(OR=1.881),文化程度为小学及以下(OR=7.975)、初中(OR=5.070),无劳动能力(普通劳动能力:OR=0.021;弱劳动能力:OR=0.508),低收入(年人均纯收入3 000~5 000元:OR=2.609)的特征与健康人群相比,重大疾病患者具有年龄分布在16~25岁(OR=6.492)、26~35岁(OR=17.805)、36~45岁(OR=28.560)、46~55岁(OR=28.175),无劳动能力(普通劳动能力:OR=0.004; 弱劳动能力:OR=0.148)的特征。 结论 患病一定程度降低了劳动能力,可能最终导致因病致贫。文化程度等其他因素亦可能影响物质生活条件进而影响健康状况。在关注贫困人群健康状况的同时,也要重点防治慢性病,帮助其恢复劳动能力,提倡推动就近帮扶政策,增强贫困人口的受教育水平和基本生存技能。

关键词: 贫困人群, 健康状况, 多分类无序Logistic回归, 影响因素

Abstract: Objective To explore the distribution characteristics and influencing factors of health status of poor population in Sanchunji County of Dong ming City so as to provide reference for developing feasible strategies to promote the health of population in poverty-stricken areas. Methods The health status of poor population and influencing factors were analyzed with multinomial Logistic regression. Results Among the 2 673 poor people surveyed, 1 723(64.5%)were healthy and 950(35.5%)were diseased. Logistic regression showed that the age distributions of people with chronic diseases were 26-35 years(OR=4.891), 35-45 years(OR=4.839)and 46-55 years(OR=8.659). These people generally had 1-4 family members(OR=1.881). Their education levels were elementary school or below(OR=7.975)and junior middle school(OR=5.070). They tended to have poor labor capacity(common labor capacity: OR=0.021; weak labor capacity: OR=0.508). They had low income, and annual net income per capita was 3 000-5 000 yuan(OR=2.609). The age distribution of people with serious diseases were 16-25 years(OR=6.492), 26-35 years(OR=17.805), 36-45 years(OR=28.560)and 46-55 years(OR=28.175). They had no labor capacity(common labor capacity: OR=0.004; weak labor capacity: OR=0.148). Conclusion Diseases reduce the ability to work, which ultimately lead to poverty. Other factors, such as education level, also affect the condition of material life and health status. Special attention should be paid to poor people with chronic diseases to help them regain the labor capacity. Appropriate support policies are to be promoted to improve poor peoples educational level and basic survival skills.

Key words: Poor people, Health status, Multinomial Logistic regression, Influencing factors


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