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山东大学学报(医学版) ›› 2017, Vol. 55 ›› Issue (8): 82-87.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1671-7554.0.2016.1245

• 临床医学 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1.山东大学附属省立医院创伤骨科, 山东 济南 250000;2.山东省汶上县人民医院骨科, 山东 汶上 272500
  • 收稿日期:2016-10-08 出版日期:2017-08-10 发布日期:2017-08-10
  • 通讯作者: 穆卫东. E-mail:cola.daughter@163.com E-mail:cola.daughter@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Digital anatomic basis of parallel double screws in the posterior column of the acetabulum

YU Ye1, YANG Xianwei2, XU Bo1, YAN Qi1, MU Weidong1   

  1. 1. Department of Orthopaedics, Shandong Provincial Hospital Affiliated to Shandong University, Jinan 250000, Shandong, China;
    2. Department of Orthopaedics, Peoples Hospital of Wenshang County, Jining 272500, Shandong, China
  • Received:2016-10-08 Online:2017-08-10 Published:2017-08-10

摘要: 目的 探讨髋臼后柱能容纳两枚平行螺钉的安全区域以及获得两枚螺钉的相关参数。 方法 选取山东大学附属省立医院48例骨盆CT数据, 借助Mimics软件(15.0),在所有右侧髋臼后柱置入两枚平行圆柱体(代替螺钉),并测量两枚圆柱体的相关参数。 结果 后侧圆柱体:平均长度(L1)男(130.88±6.11)mm,女(121.47±5.23)mm; 到骨盆界线的距离(D1)男(19.65±2.45)mm, 女(17.89±2.00)mm; 到骶髂前关节面与骨盆界线交点的距离(S1)男(23.71±2.61)mm, 女(25.77±3.11)mm。 前侧圆柱体:平均长度(L2)男(125.25±5.49)mm, 女(116.37±4.83)mm; 到骨盆界线的距离(D2)男(13.21±1.89)mm, 女(11.62±1.39)mm; 到骶髂前关节面与骨盆界线交点的距离(S2)男(24.36±3.95)mm, 女(28.15±4.70)mm。 男患者圆柱体与水平面(α)、 矢状面(β)、 冠状面(γ)之间的平均角度分别为(66.18±4.40)°、(10.40±2.48)°、(20.89±5.05)°; 女患者分别为(69.01±5.25)°、(5.60±2.56)°、(19.91±5.58)°; 圆柱体最大半径(R)为6.00 mm。 结论 髋臼后柱有足够的空间容纳两枚相同半径的平行螺钉, 螺钉半径不超过6.00 mm。

关键词: 髋臼后柱, Mimics软件, 双螺钉, 解剖学

Abstract: Objective To provide a safe zone for double screws in the posterior column and to obtain the relevant parameters of two screws. Methods CT scan data of 48 pelvic specimens were analyzed. With the help of Mimics 15.0, 2 parallel cylinders(to substitute for screws)were implanted to the posterior column of the right side acetabulum, and the relevant parameters were measured. Results Posterior cylinder: The average length(L1)was(130.88±6.11)mm in males and(121.47±5.23)mm in females; the average distance(D1)to the linea terminalis was(19.65±2.45)mm in males and(17.89±2.00)mm in females; the average distance(S1)to the junction between the anterior border of iliosacral articulation and linea terminalis of pelvis was(23.71±2.61)mm in males and(25.77±3.11)mm in females. Anterior cylinder: The average length(L2)was(125.25±5.49)mm in males and(116.37±4.83)mm in females; the average distance(D2)to the linea terminalis was(13.21±1.89)mm in males and(11.62±1.39)mm in females; the average distance(S2)to the junction between anterior border of iliosacral articulation and linea terminalis of pelvis was(24.36±3.95)mm in males and(28.15±4.70)mm in females. The average angle 山 东 大 学 学 报 (医 学 版)55卷8期 -余也,等.髋臼后柱平行双螺钉数字化解剖学分析 \=-between the cylinders and horizontal plane(α), sagittal plane(β), coronal plane(γ)was(66.18±4.40)°,(10.40±2.48)°,(20.89±5.05)° in males, and(69.01±5.25)°,(5.60±2.56)°,(19.91±5.58)° in females, respectively. The maximum radius of the cylinders was 6.00 mm. Conclusion There is sufficient space for 2 parallel cylinders with the same diameter in the posterior column of the acetabulum, with the maximum radius of the cylinders being less than 6.0 mm.

Key words: Posterior column, Double lag screws, Mimics software, Anatomy


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