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山东大学学报(医学版) ›› 2013, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (12): 107-110.

• 公共卫生与管理 • 上一篇    下一篇


师晓林1,康殿民2,黄鹏翔2,廖玫珍2, 陶小润2,王国永2,苏生利2,王振宏3   

  1. 1.山东大学公共卫生学院,  济南 250012;
    2.山东省疾病预防控制中心, 山东省传染病预防控制重点实验室, 济南 250014;
    3.青岛市城阳区第三人民医院, 山东 青岛 266107
  • 收稿日期:2013-08-06 出版日期:2013-12-10 发布日期:2013-12-10
  • 通讯作者: 康殿民, E-mail:dmkang66@163.com
  • 基金资助:


Community-based survey on syphilis prevalence and associated factors among ATS users in Shandong Province

SHI Xiao-lin1, KANG Dian-min2, HUANG Peng-xiang2, LIAO Mei-zhen2, TAO Xiao-run2, WANG Guo-yong2, SU Sheng-li2, WANG Zhen-hong3   

  1. 1. School of Public Health, Shandong University, Jinan 250012, China;
    2. Shandong Key Laboratory for Epidemic Disease Control and Prevention, Shandong Center for
    Disease Control and Prevention, Jinan 250014, China; 3. The Third People′s Hospital, Qingdao 266107, China
  • Received:2013-08-06 Online:2013-12-10 Published:2013-12-10


目的   了解青岛市社区新型毒品吸食者吸毒特征及艾滋病、梅毒感染状况,为制定干预措施提供依据。方法    采用同伴驱动抽样(RDS)法招募研究对象,共招募到324名,采用统一问卷进行调查,内容包括社会人口学特征、艾滋病知识知晓情况、吸毒行为、性行为以及安全套使用情况等,并采集静脉血,分离血清,检测人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)、梅毒抗体。结果   324名研究对象中,梅毒感染率为16.05%(52/324),其中男性和女性的感染率分别为13.39%(34/254)、25.71%(18/70),未发现HIV感染者。单因素分析结果表明,性别、吸毒频次、最近一次商业性行为是否使用安全套与梅毒感染有关,多因素Logistic回归分析表明,女性(OR=2.080, 95%CI=1.048~4.131)、吸毒频次高(OR=2.029, 95%CI=1.045~3.939)增加了感染梅毒的概率。结论   青岛市社区新型毒品吸食者中,使用的毒品大部分是冰毒,吸毒方式均为烫吸,梅毒感染率较高,未发现HIV感染者,建议在社区中加强梅毒、艾滋病等相关知识的宣传。

关键词: 社区;新型毒品吸食者;梅毒;人类免疫缺陷病毒


Objective   To explore the characteristics of drug-use and infection status of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and syphilis among amphetamine-type-stimulants (ATS) users in Qingdao City, and to provide scientific basis for interventional measures. Methods   A total of 324 objects were recruited with the method of respondent-driven sampling (RDS), whom were investigated to collect data on sociodemographic characteristics, knowledge about HIV/AIDS, drug-use characteristics, condom use status, and so on. Blood specimens were collected to detect antibodies against syphilis and HIV. Results    Among the 324 ATS users, the prevalence rate of syphilis was 16.05%(52/324), which was 13.39%(34/254) for male and 25.71%(18/70) for female. Univarite analysis showed that the factors associated with syphilis infection included gender, frequency of drug use, and condom use in the latest commercial intercourse. Multiple logistic regression model demonstrated that female (OR=2.080, 95%CI=1.048~4.131), and high frequency of drug use (OR=2.029, 95%CI=1.045~3.939) increased the chances of syphilis infection.ConclusionIn order to reduce the number of ATS users and to lower the infection rates of sexually transmitted diseases, such as syphilis and HIV, we should publicize the harm of new drugs in communities and provide consultation and test of sexually transmitted diseases.

Key words: Community; Amphetamine-type-stimulants users; Syphilis; Human Immunodeficiency Virus


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