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山东大学学报(医学版) ›› 2013, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (9): 100-104.

• 医学心理学 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1.山东大学医学院, 济南 250012; 2.山东省精神卫生中心, 济南 250014
  • 收稿日期:2012-11-29 出版日期:2013-09-10 发布日期:2013-09-10
  • 通讯作者: 刘兰芬, E-mail:liulf521@163.com
  • 基金资助:


Information processing speed and related factors in first-episode schizophrenia

YANG Li-min1,2, WANG Yan1, SUN Meng-meng2, CUI Kai-yan2, WANG Li-na2, LIU Lan-fen1,2   

  1. 1. School of Medicine, Shandong University, Jinan 250012, China;
    2. Shandong Mental Health Center, Jinan 250014, China
  • Received:2012-11-29 Online:2013-09-10 Published:2013-09-10


目的   探讨首发精神分裂症患者的信息处理速度及其相关影响因素。方法   采用精神分裂症认知功能成套测验(MCCB)评估79例首发精神分裂症患者和54例正常对照者信息处理速度,并用阳性和阴性症状量表(PANSS)评估病例组临床症状。结果   病例组在信息处理速度总分及连线、符号编码、言语流畅性三个分测验成绩明显差于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。性别、首发年龄、家族史、病程与首发精神分裂症患者信息处理速度相关。结论      首发精神分裂症患者认知功能的信息处理速度有明显的损害,可能受首次发病年龄、家族史、性别、病程等因素影响。

关键词: 首发精神分裂症;信息处理速度;认知功能;首次发病年龄


Objective   To explore the information processing speed and the related factors in first-episode schizophrenia. Methods    Information processing speed of 79 cases of first-episode schizophrenia and 54 healthy controls was assessed with the matrics consensus cognitive battery(MCCB). The clinical symptoms of patients were evaluated with the positive and negative syndrome scale (PANSS). Results   The patients′ information processing speed, their scores in trail making test, symbol coding and verbal fluency test were significantly lower than those of the controls. Gender, age of first onset, family history and course of disease were closely related to the information processing speed in first-episode schizophrenia. Conclusion    The information processing speed of cognitive function in first-episode schizophrenia is  significantly impaired. Age of first onset, family history, gender and course of disease are  associated with the processing speed in first-episode schizophrenia.

Key words: First-episode schizophrenia; Processing Speed; Cognitive function; Age of first onset


  • R749.3
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