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  1. 山东大学公共卫生学院 1. 流行病与卫生统计学研究所; 2. 信息数据处理实验室, 济南 250012
  • 收稿日期:2007-11-07 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2008-05-16 发布日期:2008-05-16
  • 通讯作者: 薛付忠

Characteristics of the spatial genetic structure of the HLA - A-B loci in the Chinese population based on a geographical information system

CHENG Yu1, XUE Fu-zhong1, JI Xiao-kang2, HU Ping2, SHAO Qi1, ZHANG Gui-qin1   

  1. 1. Institute of Epidemiology and Health Statistics; 2. Information and Data Analysis Lab, School of Public Health, Shandong University, Jinan 250012, China
  • Received:2007-11-07 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2008-05-16 Published:2008-05-16
  • Contact: XUE Fu-zhong

摘要: 目的分析中国人群HLA-A、B位点HLA的空间遗传结构, 为研究人口迁移、民族融合等群体遗传学和人类学问题、揭示HLA与疾病关联性以及合理设计多表位疫苗提供依据。方法应用主成分分析方法及地理信息系统中的空间插值技术,从基因频率矩阵中提取综合指标,用以反映中国人群HLA-A、B位点的空间遗传结构。结果中国人群HLA-A位点的第一主成分自北向南形成了明显的遗传地理梯度变异。在黄河流域以南,第一主成分梯度呈南北走向;在西北地区,呈西北东南走向;在华北及东北地区,呈东北西南走向。HLA-B位点第一主成分自北向南形成了明显的遗传地理梯度变异;HLA-B位点的空间遗传结构的异质性程度高,而 HLA-A位点空间遗传结构的异质性程度相对较低。结论中国群体HLA-A、B位点的空间遗传结构呈现明显的南北地理遗传梯度变异性;南方人群HLA-A、B位点空间遗传结构异质性程度高,群体之间差异较大;中国人群HLAB位点空间异质性程度高于HLA-A位点空间异质性程度

关键词: 人类白细胞抗原, 空间遗传结构, 地理信息系统, 中国人群

Abstract: To analyze the spatial genetic structure of the HLA- A-B loci in the Chinese population and to provide evidence for studying questions in population genetics and anthropology, such as population migration, national blending, and to provide evidence for designing multi-epitope vaccines. MethodPrinciple component analysis and spatial interpolation method of the Geographical Information System were used to get synthetic indexes. Results The first principle component of the HLA -A loci in the Chinese population has obvious geographic genetic structure from north to south. South of the Yellow River, the first principle component cline is mainly latitudinal; while north of the Yellow River, it is generally from northwest to southeast in the northwestern area of China, and from northeast to southwest in the northeastern area of China. The spatial genetic structure of the HLA- B loci has more local variances than that of the HLA - A loci. ConclusionThe spatial genetic structure of the HLA-AB loci in the Chinese population shows an evident pattern of geographic genetic cline from north to south. Differences of the HLA- A-B loci′s spatial genetic structure among populations are much more evident in southern Chinese populations than in northern Chinese populations. The HLA-B loci have much more evident characteristics of spatial heterogeneity in genetic structure than the HLA-A loci.

Key words: Chinese population, Geographical information system, Human leukocyte antigen, Spatial genetic structure


  • Q347
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