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山东大学学报(医学版) ›› 2012, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (5): 107-111.

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  1. 1.山东大学医学院病理学教研室, 济南 250012; 2.临沂市肿瘤医院病理科, 山东 临沂 276001;
    3.山东省交通医院病理科, 济南 250031
  • 收稿日期:2012-02-01 出版日期:2012-05-10 发布日期:2012-05-10
  • 通讯作者: 孟斌(1962- ),男,博士研究生,副教授,主要从事肿瘤病理学的研究。 E-mail: mengbin@sdu.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:庄婷(1983- ),女,硕士研究生,主要从事肿瘤病理学的研究。
  • 基金资助:


Expression of mucins (MUC1, MUC2, MUC5AC and MUC6) and
their significance in invasive ductal breast carcinoma

ZHUANG Ting1, XUE Mei2, FANG Ai-ju3, GUAN Bing-xin1, LIANG Yan1,
WANG Zhi-hui2, WANG Yan1, MENG Bin1   

  1. 1. Department of Pathology, Medical school, Shandong University, Jinan 250012, China;
    2. Department of Pathology, Linyi Caner Hospital, Linyi 276001, Shandong, China;
    3. Department of Pathology, Jinan Jiaotong hospital, Jinan 250031, China
  • Received:2012-02-01 Online:2012-05-10 Published:2012-05-10


目的   检测黏蛋白(MUC1、MUC2、MUC5AC和MUC6)在乳腺浸润性导管癌中的表达,并探讨其临床病理学意义。方法   收集207例乳腺浸润性导管癌标本,应用组织芯片以及免疫组化等技术对黏蛋白家族成员MUC1、MUC2、MUC5AC和MUC6进行检测,并对其与临床病理学特征的关系进行分析。结果   MUC1在89.4%的被检测病例中表达。MUC1高表达的乳腺癌病例更倾向于具有低组织学级别、雌激素受体(ER)阳性、无淋巴结转移等特点。MUC1的亚细胞定位,即胞浆伴胞膜表达与乳腺癌术后复发转移具有相关性。MUC2的阳性率很低,仅为4.3%。MUC5AC与MUC6在患者标本中的表达率分别是42.0%和22.2%。除了MUC5AC与低级别导管癌、ER阳性有关,以及MUC6与HER2呈正相关外,与乳腺癌其他因素均无明显相关性。结论   MUC1在大多数乳腺浸润性导管癌中都有表达,而MUC2、MUC5AC及MUC6的表达率则相对较低。MUC1的异位表达可能是潜在的预后不良因素。

关键词: 乳腺肿瘤;MUC1;MUC2;MUC5AC;MUC6;组织芯片


 Objective   To evaluate expression of several mucins in invasive breast ductal carcinoma and the correlation with clinicopathological features. Methods   Tissue microarray (TMA) and immunohistochemical(IHC) technologies were used to evaluate expression of several mucins (MUC1, MUC2, MUC5AC and MUC6) in 207 cases of invasive breast ductal carcinoma and to analyze their correlation with clinicopathological features. Results   MUC1 expression was detected in 89.4% of cases and its expression was associated with lower histological grade, estrogen receptor (ER) positive and absence of lymph node (LN) metastasis. The subcellular localization of MUC1, but not expression level, had a prognostic value in postoperative recurrence and metastasis. MUC2 expression was noticed only in 4.3% of all cases. MUC5AC and MUC6 were expressed in 42.0% and 22.2% of cases respectively. There were associations between MUC5AC and lower histological grade as well as ER-positive, and MUC6 was positively correlated with HER-2. But there was no association between mucins and other clinicopathological variables. Conclusion   WhileMUC1 is expressed in the majority of the cases, others (MUC2, MUC5AC, MUC6) are not. Ectopic expression of MUC1 might be a potential prognostic indicator, which needs further study for confirmation.

Key words: Breast carcinoma; Mucin1; Mucin2; Mucin5AC; Mucin6; Tissue microarray


  • R361.3
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