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  1. 1,山东大学临床医学院山东省千佛山医院神经内科, 山东 济南 250014;2. 济南军区总医院神经内科, 山东 济南 250031
  • 收稿日期:2006-03-29 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2006-08-24 发布日期:2006-08-24
  • 通讯作者: 朱梅佳

ZHU Mei-jia, HAN Ju, WANG Xin-yi,LU Wei, WANG Ai-hua, GUAN Xin-hua, CAO Xia, CAO Bing-zhen   

  1. 1. Department of Neurology, Shandong Provincial Qianfoshan Hospital, Jinan 250014, Shandong, China;2. Department of Neurology, Jinan General Military Hospital, Jinan 250031, Shandong, China
  • Received:2006-03-29 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2006-08-24 Published:2006-08-24
  • Contact: ZHU Mei-jia

摘要: 目的:探讨伴有皮层下梗死和白质脑病的常染色体显性遗传性脑动脉病(CADASIL)患者的临床和病理学特点。方法:研究一个CADASIL家系中3例有症状和无症状患者的临床和影像学表现,并对先证者脑、皮肤和肌肉活检的病理和超微结构资料进行研究。结果:患者表现为反复脑卒中发作、智能障碍和情感障碍,无偏头痛发作,伴有腰腿疼、轻度秃顶等脑外症状。MRI显示双侧对称的白质脑病和多发性脑梗死。家系中带有突变基因的无症状低龄患者显示双侧对称的前颞叶白质病变。脑、皮肤和肌肉活检均显示小动脉狭窄、管壁玻璃样变。动脉中层PAS染色阳性,淀粉染色阴性。电镜下平滑肌基底膜可见嗜锇颗粒(GOM)沉积。基因检查Notch3第3外显子R110C(C/T)错义突变。家系中无高血压、高血脂、高血糖病史。结论:根据明确的显性遗传家族史、临床及影像学特点、电镜下平滑肌基底膜可见GOM以及Notch3基因检查,可以明确CADASIL的诊断。

Abstract: To explore the clinicopathological characteristics of cerebral autosome dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL). Methods: The clinical and imaging manifestation were observed on two asymptomatic and one symptomatic patients in a family with CADASIL, and the pathological and ultrastructural changes of brain, skin and muscle were investigated by biopsies. Results: The symptoms are recurrent stroke, dementia, mood disturbance, lumbago and baldness but no migraine. Cranial MRI on the symptomatic patient demonstrated bilateral symmetric leukoencephalopathy and multiple small subcortical lacunar infarcts. The youngest asymptomatic patient in the family showed symmetric lesions of the white matter in anterior temporal lobe. A significant stenosis and hyalinosis in small arteries were observed in the specimen of brain, skin and muscle. A granular PAS positive staining is present in medium layer of arteries, and with negative amyloid staining. By electron microscopy, the characteristic deposition of GOM were seen on the basement of smooth muscle cell. A point mutation in exon 3 of Notch 3 gene with R110 (C/T) were discovered in all three patients. The family has no history of hypertension, hyperlipide and diabetes. Conclusion: The diagnose of CADASIL can be based on the dominant family history, clinical and imaging characteristics, specific GOM deposition on the basement of smooth muscle cell, and the search of point mutation on Notch 3.

Key words: Dementia, Multiinfarct, Cerebral artery disease, Gene, notch3

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