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  1. 山东大学山东省立医院 胸外科, 山东 济南 250012
  • 收稿日期:2005-04-05 修回日期:1900-01-01 发布日期:2006-04-24

  • Received:2005-04-05 Revised:1900-01-01 Published:2006-04-24

摘要: 目的:探讨应用可吸收脱细胞猪主动脉基质诱导原位食管再生 惺彻芴娲目尚行浴7椒? 应用胰酶、Triton X100制备脱细胞猪主动脉基质。选用6只中国杂种犬,切除5?cm食管,用两片脱细胞猪主动脉基质缝制的人工食管进行重建,观察存活情况和食管再生过程。结果:应用胰酶、Triton X100可有效的去除猪主动脉细胞。6只实验犬无围手术期死亡,1只发生吻合口瘘,1只在行内镜下扩张治疗时导致新生食管破裂死亡。病理结果显示,术后2周时有疏松结缔组织及大量新生血管形成,4周时整个人工食管被上皮细胞覆盖,镜下见粘膜上皮细胞约5~8层,其下可见粘膜下腺体结构及肌肉组织。12周时上皮细胞分化至8~10层,有粘膜下腺体结构及肌肉组织。原人工食管已完全吸收,肉眼已无法分辨人工和正常食管。结论:酶去污剂联合应用能有效的祛除猪主动脉细胞。可吸收猪胸主动脉脱细胞血管基质能较好诱导组织的再生,为人工食管的临床应用研究提供了依据。

Abstract: Objective: To investing the possibility of esophageal remodeling in situ induced by resorbable porcinederived, xenogeneic aortas acelullar tissue matrix (ACTM) for cervical esophageal defect repair in a dog model. Methods: Xenogeneic ACTM was made by trypsin and Triton X100. Esophageal segmental defect measuring 5 cm in length was created by surgical resection in 6 mature Chinese mongrel health dogs, then the defect was repaired with ACTM. The animals were kept alive for periods. The surviving and healing process were observed. Results: Porcine ACTM could be obtained successfully by trypsin and Triton X100. There were no deaths after perioperative period. One dog had anastomotic leakage, 1 died of esophagus rupture when esophageal dilation was performed. Submucosal tissue regeneration and abundant neovascularization were found at postoperative 14 days. Bundles of muscle cells were found, and the squamous epithelia covered the entire grafts surface 28 days after surgery. The graft material itself could not be identified in gross inspection after 12 weeks. Conclusion: ACTM is promising as an ideal treatment option for esophageal repair, it can be resorbed and remodeled esophagus well. These result shows that esophageal remodeling in situ induced by porcine ACTM will be feasible in the near future for esophageal reconstruction.

Key words: Artificial esophagus, Aortas acellular tissue matrix, Esophagus reconstruction, Animal, laboratory, Dogs


  • R318.14
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