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  1. 1. 山东省立医院肿瘤研究治疗中心, 山东 济南 250021;2. 山东大学齐鲁医院消化科, 山东 济南 250012
  • 收稿日期:2005-08-12 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2007-06-24 发布日期:2007-06-24
  • 通讯作者: 李延青

Structure and characteristics of the mechanosensitive receptors in rat gut

YANG Xia1,LI Yan-ing2/sup>   

  1. 1. Cancer Research and Treatment Center, Shandong Provincial Hospital;2. Department of Gastroenterology, Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, Jinan 250012, Shandong, China
  • Received:2005-08-12 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2007-06-24 Published:2007-06-24
  • Contact: LI Yan-ing

摘要: 目的:探讨大鼠食道感受机械牵拉刺激的迷走传入神经末梢-神经节内板状末梢(IGLEs)的特异结构及其特性。 方法:① 用苯乙烯基染料FM143结合牵拉刺激显示大鼠食道IGLEs的特异结构,与P2X2免疫组织化学染色比较,证明IGLEs是迷走神经感受机械刺激的受体;② 用不同的药物(TTX, Ca2+, Benzamil, Capsaicin, α,β-meATP)阻断或激活FM143进入IGLEs, 探讨IGLEs感受机械刺激的机制。 结果:牵拉刺激后,FM143 染色显示的IGLEs的数目明显高于未牵拉组 (P<0.01); FM1-43染色显示的IGLEs形态与P2X2 免疫组织化学染色完全一致。TTX, Ca2+不影响牵拉刺激激活的FM1-43显示的IGLEs数目;Benzamil则可阻断FM1-43进入IGLEs。单独应用Capsaicin无需牵拉刺激,也可促使FM1-43进入IGLEs。α,β-meATP不能激活IGLEs, FM1-43 无法显示其结构。 结论:① IGLEs 是大鼠食道迷走神经的机械感受器;② IGLEs对机械刺激的传导不需要神经递质和动作电位的介导,而是直接通过机械敏感性离子通道,这种通道属于上皮钠离子通道家族。

关键词: 神经递质 , 离子通道, 神经节内板状末梢, 机械感受器, FM1-43

Abstract: Objective: To investigate the structure and characteristics of mechanotransduction by intraganglionic laminar endings (IGLEs) as the mechanoreceptors in rat gut. Methods: ① IGLEs were displayed by styryl dye FM1-43 with stretch stimulation to the rat esophagus. P2X2 immunohistochemistry staining was used to confirm that the structure displayed by FM1-43 was that of IGLEs; ② Different drugs (TTX, Ca2+, Benzamil, Capsaicin, and α,β- meATP)were used to block or stimulate stretchevoked IGLEs staining by FM1-43 for further investigating the mechanism of mechanotransduction by IGLEs. Results: ① The amount of IGLEs displayed by stretchevoked FM1-43 staining was much more than that without stretch stimulation (P<0.01). The structure of IGLEs displayed by FM1-43 was consistent with that by P2X2; ② TTX, Ca2+ had no effect on stretchevoked IGLEs staining, while benzamil could significantly block it. Caqsaicin could activate the entrance of FM1-43 into IGLEs without any stretch, while α,β- meATP, and the potent ATP anologue could not stimulate the staining at rest status. Conclusion: ① IGLEs are the mechanoreceptors of vagal afferent endings in the gut; ② IGLEs transduce the mechanical stimulation in the gut through some mechanosensitive ion channels which are a type of sodium ion channels. Neurotransmitters or action potentials are not involved in this process.

Key words: FM1-43, Intraganglionic laminar endings, Mechanoreceptors, Ion channels, Neurotransmitters


  • R338
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