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仇 岩1,朱海峰2,张心声2   

  1. 1. 山东大学西校区医院, 济南 250012; 2. 山东省血液中心, 济南 250014
  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2008-08-16 发布日期:2008-08-16
  • 通讯作者: 张心声

Establishment of an indirect-ELISA method for detection of HHV-8 infection

QIU Yan1, ZHU Hai-feng2, ZHANG Xin-sheng2   

  1. 1. West Campus Hospital, Shandong University, Jinan 250012, China; 2. Shandong Blood Center, Jinan 250014, China

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2008-08-16 Published:2008-08-16
  • Contact: ZHANG Xin-sheng


目的〓〖HTK〗建立人疱疹病毒8型(HHV-8)感染的间接ELISA检测法,并初步探讨其应用价值。〖HTW〗方法〓〖HTK〗利用PCR技术获得HHV-8 ORF73C基因,插入到原核表达载体pGEX-6P-1中,在大肠埃希菌BL21(DE3)中诱导蛋白表达;以纯化的GST-ORF73C融合蛋白为包被抗原,利用方阵滴定法确定包被抗原和抗血清的最适工作浓度,并通过阻断试验、交叉试验、特异性试验、重复性试验及与Chou等建立的K8.1合成多肽-ELISA检测方法进行验比较等评价其效果。〖HTW〗结果〓〖HTK〗SDS-PAGE及Western-blot检测结果显示,目的基因在大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)中得到高效表达,且表达产物能被KS阳性血清[HIV(+)/KS(+)血清]特异性识别方阵滴定试验显示:包被抗原的最佳浓度为1.5μg/mL,血清抗体的最佳稀释度为1∶80;断试验、交叉试验、特异性试验、重复性试验等表明该方法特异性强、重复性好;对86份HIV(+)/KS(-)血清样品进行检测的结果显示,该方法与Chou等建立的K8.1合成多肽-ELISA检测方法的符合率为98.8%。〖HTW〗结论〓〖HTK〗GST-ORF73C-ELISA检测方法具有良好的特异性和重复性,可用于HHV-8感染的血清学检测及流行病学调查。

关键词: 酶联免疫吸附测定, ORF73C基因, 人疱疹病毒8型


Objective〓〖WTBZ〗To establish an indirect-ELISA method for detection of HHV-8 infection and to evaluate its preliminary application significance. 〖WTHZ〗Methods〓〖WTBZ〗The HHV-8 ORF73C gene was amplified with PCR and then was inserted into the prokaryotic-expression vector pGEX-6P-1. The GST-ORF73C fusion protein was expressed and purified from E.coli BL21(DE3) cells. The optimal dilution of coating antigen and serum samples was determined by using the chess titration test. The effect of the ELISA was estimated by an interruption test, a cross-reaction test, a specificity test, and a repetition test, and was compared with that of the K8.1 peptid-ELISA established by Chou et al. 〖WTHZ〗Results〓〖WTBZ〗SDS PAGE and Western blot analysis showed that the target gene
was efficiently expressed in E.coli, and the expressed products showed a fine imm
unol-reactivity. A chess titration test showed that the optimal concentration of coating antigen was 1.5μg/mL and the optimal dilution of serum samples was 1∶80. An interruption test, cross-reaction test, specificity test and repetition test showed that the ELISA assay had good reproducibility and specificity. 86 serum samples were detected by both GST-ORF73C-ELISA and K8.1 peptide-ELISA, and the coincidence rate of the two methods was 98.8%. 〖WTHZ〗Conclusions〓〖WTBZ〗The GST-ORF73C-ELISA method is specific and repeatable, and is a good method for serological detection and epidemiological analysis for HHV-8 infection.

Key words: HHV-8, ORF73C, Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay


  • R373.9
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