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山东大学学报(医学版) ›› 2010, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (4): 87-90.

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布学慧, 郑昭敏, 杜文军, 刘靓雯, 陈士俊   

  1. 山东大学 济南市传染病医院介入科,  济南 250021
  • 收稿日期:2009-11-03 出版日期:2010-04-16 发布日期:2010-04-16
  • 通讯作者: 陈士俊(1957- ),男, 博士,主任医师, 主要从事肝病和各种传染病。 Email:csj7516@sina.com
  • 作者简介:布学慧(1982- ),女, 硕士研究生,主要从事肝病和各种传染病研究。
  • 基金资助:


Relevance between  peripheral endothelial progenitor cells and  hepatic  artery-portal vein shunting in primary hepatic carcinoma

BU Xuehui, ZHENG Zhaomin, DU Wenjun, LIU Jingwen, CHEN Shijun   

  1. The Interventional Department of Jinan Infectious Disease Hospital,  Shandong University, Jinan  250021, China
  • Received:2009-11-03 Online:2010-04-16 Published:2010-04-16


目的  探讨外周血内皮祖细胞(EPC)水平与原发性肝癌肝动-门静脉瘘(HA-PVS)形成的相关性。方法  用流式细胞术测定20例健康对照组,22例慢性乙型肝炎组,30例无HA-PVS的肝癌组,28例有HA-PVS的肝癌组患者外周血EPC的水平。结果  有瘘肝癌组患者外周血EPC占淋巴细胞的比例为(21.09±2.79),无瘘肝癌组(12.72±3.05),慢性乙型肝炎组(3.53 ±2.11),健康对照组(2.98±2.64)。与健康对照组和慢乙肝组比较,两肝癌组EPC水平均升高,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。有瘘肝癌组中,EPC升高更明显(P<0.01),块状型肝癌、自发性细菌性腹膜炎和门脉栓塞的发生率高,均与无瘘肝癌组存在统计学意义(P=0.031,P=0.036,P=0.044)。 结论  外周血EPC水平与原发性肝癌HAPVS的形成有关,并能反映肝癌的类型、转移和预后。

关键词: 内皮祖细胞; 肝肿瘤; 肝动门静脉瘘; 流式细胞术


Objective  To study the relevance between the level of  peripheral endothelial progenitor cells(EPCs)and  hepatic artery-portal vein shunting(HA-PVS)in primary hepatic carcinoma(PHC). Methods  The level of EPCs was detected by flow cytometry in 20  healthy controls, 22 chronic hepatitis B, 30 PHC without HA-PVS and 28 PHC with HA-PVS. Results  The proportion of EPCs in the peripheral  lymphocytes was (21.09±2.79), (12.72±3.05), (3.53 ±2.11) and (2.98±2.64)  in PHC with HA-PVS,  PHC without HA-PVS, the chronic hepatitis B and the healthy controls respectively. In the two cancer groups, the proportion of EPCs were significantly higher than that in the chronic hepatitis B group and in the healthy control (P<0.01). Compared with the PHC group without HA-PVS, the proportion of EPCs in the PHC group with HA-PVS was significantly higher (P<0.01). The rates of massive-liver cancer, spontaneous peritonitis and portal thrombosis were higher in the cancer group with HA-PVS, compared that in the cancer group without HA-PVS(P<0.01, P=0.031, P=0.036, P=0.044). Conclusions  The level of EPC in peripheral blood is correlated with the formation of HA-PVS in PHC. Expression of EPC in peripheral blood may reflect the clinical features of PHC on type, metastasis and prognosis.

Key words: Endothelial progenitor cells; Liver neoplasms; Hepatic artery-portal vein shunting;  Flow cytometry


  • R735.7
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