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山东大学学报 (医学版) ›› 2019, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (8): 69-76.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1671-7554.0.2018.1355

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  1. 北京市体检中心, 北京 100077
  • 发布日期:2022-09-27
  • 通讯作者: 张静波. E-mail:13910625118@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Trend of health management services model

ZHANG Jingbo, LI Qiang, LIU Feng, HAN Yumei, YANG Jianguo   

  1. Beijing Physical Examination Center, Beijing 100077, China
  • Published:2022-09-27

摘要: 健康管理经历了多年的发展,在国外已经成为医疗服务体系中不可或缺的一部分。我国的健康管理正处于创新发展阶段,近年来,无论在理论研究还是实践探索等方面都有了很大进步,但也存在一些问题。健康管理服务主要包括健康教育、健康体检、健康评估和健康干预。健康教育主要是被动的宣传教育,缺乏系统性健康教育;健康体检提供的服务产品单一,缺乏学术支撑;健康评估模型的研究处于起步阶段,多数为单病种风险预测模型;运动、营养和心理干预是健康干预的主要手段,但除了运动外,营养和心理干预与健康管理的融合目前不是很普遍。健康管理服务的收费标准依然不明确,一些保险机构设置的健康险尚未真正服务百姓,制约了健康管理服务的推广应用。随着信息化技术和健康保险行业的快速发展,健康医疗信息化和健康医疗大数据将出现有序整合,健康管理服务将以健康医疗大数据为基础,由商业健康保险推动和促进。未来,个体碎片化的健康医疗数据将被整合为人体全生命周期健康数据库,商业健康保险驱动的预防式健康管理将成为主要的健康管理服务模式。通过分析健康管理发生发展及现状,旨在探索健康管理服务模式的发展趋势。

关键词: 健康管理, 健康保险, 体检, 评估, 干预

Abstract: After years of development, health management has become an indispensable part of the medical service system abroad. Health management is experiencing a stage of development in China. It has made great progress both in theoretical research and practical exploration in recent years. Health management services mainly include health education, physical examination, health assessment and health intervention. Lacking of systematic health education, the main way of health education is passive publicity and education. The service products provided by health examination are simple 山 东 大 学 学 报 (医 学 版)57卷8期 -张静波,等.健康管理服务模式的发展趋势 \=-and lack of academic support. Health risk assessment model research is still in its infancy. Most of them are single disease risk prediction models. Exercise, nutrition and psychological intervention are the main routes of health intervention. However, the integration of nutrition and psychological intervention and health management is not very common at present except exercise. The charging standard for health management services is still unclear and health insurance products have not really served ordinary people. All of them limited the development of health management services. With the rapid development of information technology and health insurance, there will be an orderly integration of health care information and health care data. Health management services will be promoted by commercial health insurance based on health care data. In the future, individual fragmented health care data will be integrated into the whole life cycle health database, and the new health management service driven by commercial health insurance will become the main service model. This paper aims to explore the development trend of health management service model by analyzing the occurrence, development and current situation of health management.

Key words: Health management, Health insurance, Physical examination, Assessment, Intervention


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